Organic Vegetables & Grass Fed Beef

Welcome to Greenhill Farm. Experience our premium organic grass fed beef from our BDRI certified organic and biodynamic farm.
We prioritise animal welfare, soil health and regenerative farming techniques.
Available for order now

Organic grass fed beef

Our family is passionate about growing your organic vegetables & grass fed beef in a way that enlivens the soil and regenerates the land

We prioritise animal welfare, soil health, and land regeneration. We rotate cattle to mirror natural grazing cycles, aiding carbon storage in the soil and we’ve planted thousands of native trees to encourage biodiversity.

  • Fully certified organic and biodynamic farm

  • Completely grass fed and finished beef

  • Dry aged for two weeks

  • Multi-generational family farm

  • Organic and Biodynamic seasonal vegetables also available

Biodynamic agriculture is a way of living, working and relating to nature.


Buy grass fed organic meat direct from the farmer


Certified Organic & Biodynamic with BDRI


How to cook beef

Certified Biodynamic Farm


Greenhill Farm is a certified biodynamic farm that uses unique soil, plant and compost preparations to create a humus-rich, well-structured soil. The Australian DEMETER symbol indicates that Greenhill Farm's produce has been grown and processed according to the standards of the Bio-Dynamic Research Institute. These standards include using environmentally friendly, ecologically safe, biological methods to activate and nurture the life of the soil, plants and animals within nature’s organisation, without the use of artificial or synthetic chemicals, fertilisers, genetically modified organisms or the use of any unnecessary additives. Greenhill Farm's certified biodynamic produce is of the highest quality and is perfect for those looking for organic food options.

What our customers say

Meet Us at Farmers Markets

Meet us at the Farmers' Markets in Sydney* or Canberra**.
We'll also deliver boxed packs to your door (Canberra only).
* Eveleigh Market, Redfern - 2nd Sat each month
** EPIC Market, Exhibition Park Canberra, every Saturday morning

Who is Greenhill Farm?

We are the Oliver family, and we own and run Greenhill Farm. Greenhill is 1100 acres of paradise near Bungendore, NSW. From our hilltops, you can see Lake George about 10kms away.

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